Should Runners Do Strength Training?

You might be thinking that strength training is best suited for bodybuilders, right? Well, you are correct. There are impressive benefits to doing strength training when you are interested in running. Whether you are a newbie to running or a serious marathon runner, you should not solely depend on running. You should add some strength training to your workout plan, but should runners do strength training?

You know that running alone will not help you to get the most out of your body. You should switch to long runs, training with sprints, and you need to add strength training as well to reap the maximum benefits. The next question is what type of strength exercises a runner should do to improve performance. We will answer all your questions related to strength training for runners.

Can Strength Training Enhance my Run?

Should Runners Do Strength Training

There are numerous benefits to incorporating strength training into your running. Strength training will enhance your performance. Therefore, it is beneficial to add to your training. Strength training supports stronger muscles and connective tissues.

When you have stronger muscles, it will become easy to cover a large area in less time, and connective tissues will help to prevent further injuries. Besides building stronger muscles, strength training will also help to coordinate efficiently and maintain overall body stability.

How Often Should I Lift Weights?

The ideal number for strength training is twice a week. You should ideally do strength training two days a week. Each exercise session should last 30 to 60 minutes. Well, it depends on your ability and body type. This strength training session will enhance muscles without getting fatigued.

The runners have to decide whether they want to do strength training and running on alternative days, or whether they want to keep them side by side. Generally, the runners prefer doing strength exercises and running alongside. You will also get a full day for recovery.

However, you have to be careful. Don’t lift too heavy weights in the starting days, and give rest to your body between strength training and running. Twothree hours of rest is sufficient for you.

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Should I Lift Heavy or Light Weights?

A runner should go for heavier weights along with a few reps. Lifting heavier weights will result in building strength without bulking up your muscles. We are not saying that you can lift 50kg. The weight lifting capacity will depend on you. It would be better if you were already lifting weights.

However, if you are a beginner, then you should start with slightly lighter weights. After that, you can go for heavy weight scales. Starting with a lighter weight and then shifting to heavier weights will be easier for you. You should perform three sets of 10 reps each day. You can also add extra weights if you are okay with it.

What Strength Training Is Best For Runners?

The best thing about strength training for runners is that it will enhance running efficiency, help boost stability, and eliminate the risk of injury. There are ample strength exercises, but there are a few exercises that will add value to your running training. A runner should do these strength exercises to turn up the heat on their running training.


When you are running, your legs are very important. You can say that they are the greatest tool to win any race. So, if you want to win every race in your life, you should add step-up exercises to increase the power of your lower limbs. Setting-ups are a great exercise to make the major group of leg muscles powerful and robust.


Squats are another type of strength exercise. It is one of the most popular types of exercise. It is the best and excellent option for all those who want to increase their leg muscle strength. This exercise provides a better running stride and flexibility.

Walking Lunges

Running also requires stability and coordination, in addition to power. A good runner should have these qualities as well. No worry, if you don’t have these qualities. Walking lunges will help you achieve these two main elements. Additionally, it will also enhance stride length, which will promote fast running.

Single-Leg Deadlift

You can achieve fast running power, better stability, and stronger leg muscles. Moreover, you can prevent leg injuries through this exercise. The single-leg deadlift mainly focuses on the glutes and hamstrings. These are the two main muscles that are triggered during running training.

Leg Raises

This is one of the super effective strength exercises for lower abdominal strength. It will help to keep your torso stabilized while running. Moreover, it also adds strength to your hip flexors, which will protect the legs from injury and aid knee lift.

Glute Bridge

You may already be familiar with this exercise. Glute bridge is an essential strength exercise for runners. Glutes mainly support lower limb and hip extension. A glute bridge is an exercise that will make your glutes stronger because if you have strong glutes, it will keep your pelvis and torso aligned. It will also increase your stride and support running.


Unlike other exercises, press-ups play an important role in running. Press-ups will help you enhance your shoulders, chest, and arms. Your arms act as a power booster while running. However, it is also helpful in enhancing posture and upper-body strength.

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Put everything together.

We know that it will be confusing for you. Some runners don’t know that strength training can add such a wonderful benefit. If you want to cover miles, you should aim to incorporate strength training sessions into your running schedule. Strength training strengthens your legs.

Now it’s time to add some strength training to your schedule. It will help you to improve your muscles and performance. There is not just one benefit of strength training; it improves stability, flexibility, and mobility and also prevents injury.

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